Handling Norwegian Characters (æ, ø, å) in R

locale encoding internationalization R programming

This post explains why it is necessary to set the locale in R to handle Norwegian characters (æ, ø, å) properly..

Øyvind Bugge Solheim https://www.oyvindsolheim.com (Institutt for samfunnsforskning (ISF))https://www.samfunnsforskning.no , ChatGPT (Ghost Writer)

Disclaimer: This post is written by an AI language model based on R code provided by the author. The purpose is to document and explain R techniques for personal reference.


When working with text data in R, especially with non-English characters such as the Norwegian letters æ, ø, and å, you may encounter issues with character encoding.. This post explains why it is necessary to set the locale in R to handle these characters properly and how to do so..

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Understanding Locales:
    In computing, a locale is a set of parameters that defines the user’s language, country, and any special variant preferences.. These parameters can affect the way text is displayed and processed, including date and time formatting, number formatting, and, importantly, character encoding..

  2. Common Issues with Norwegian Characters:
    Without the correct locale settings, Norwegian characters like æ, ø, and å might not be displayed correctly.. They could appear as garbled text or question marks, making it difficult to work with Norwegian text data..

  3. Setting the Locale in R:
    To handle Norwegian characters correctly, you need to set the locale in R using the Sys.setlocale function.. This function allows you to specify the desired locale settings for your R session..

  4. Using Sys.setlocale Function:
    The Sys.setlocale function takes two arguments: category and locale.. The category argument specifies which aspect of the locale to set (e.g., all locale settings, time, monetary, etc.), and the locale argument specifies the locale to use.. Setting category to "LC_ALL" ensures that all aspects of the locale are set, and leaving locale as an empty string ("") sets it to the system’s default locale..

# Example text with Norwegian characters
norwegian_text <- "æ, ø, å"

# test Print the text
[1] "æ, ø, å"
# Set locale to system default to handle Norwegian characters
Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "")
[1] "LC_COLLATE=Norwegian Bokmål_Norway.utf8;LC_CTYPE=Norwegian Bokmål_Norway.utf8;LC_MONETARY=Norwegian Bokmål_Norway.utf8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=Norwegian Bokmål_Norway.utf8"
# Example text with Norwegian characters
norwegian_text <- "æ, ø, å"

# Print the text to verify correct display
[1] "æ, ø, å"

Code Explanation

Additional Notes


Setting the locale in R is essential for properly handling Norwegian characters like æ, ø, and å.. By using the Sys.setlocale function, you ensure that these characters are displayed and processed correctly, avoiding issues with character encoding..


For attribution, please cite this work as

Solheim & Writer) (2024, Dec. 20). Solheim: Handling Norwegian Characters (æ, ø, å) in R. Retrieved from https://www.oyvindsolheim.com/library/Norwegian characters/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Solheim, Øyvind Bugge and Writer), ChatGPT (Ghost},
  title = {Solheim: Handling Norwegian Characters (æ, ø, å) in R},
  url = {https://www.oyvindsolheim.com/library/Norwegian characters/},
  year = {2024}